Safety Council

About Preble County Safety Council

Education, training, networking and safety resources


The Mission of the Preble County Safety Council is to serve as a forum for education, training, networking, and safety resources to promote safe work practices.
• Learn techniques for increasing safety in your workplace.
• Learn how to better manage your workers’ compensation program.
• Network with other employers in your community.
• Access useful, money-saving workers’ comp and risk management information.

More than one-third of our members achieved a return of more than seventeen times their investment! Your company can get a 3-percent rebate on your premiums by becoming an active member of the Preble County Safety Council.

Ohio BWC Destination Excellence protects Ohio’s workforce by sharpening employers’ focus on safety, accident  prevention, and return-to-work opportunity that bring injured workers back to work sooner. The program allows  employers to combine existing and new programs to create a comprehensive discount program that meets their individual needs and provides opportunities to reduce premiums through adoption of best practice and meeting certain performance criteria.

Safety Council members must attend 10 out of 12 educational meetings designed to promote workplace safety. A variety of topics are covered that focus on safety in the workplace. State funded, self insured and public employers are encouraged to join. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month from Noon to 1 p.m. at the City of Eaton Youth Center.

Annual Membership Dues for the Safety Council are $100 if you belong to the Chamber of Commerce and $125.00 if you do not. (This fee covers your lunch during the meetings and two free tickets for the Annual Awards Luncheon.)

In an effort to reduce the number of workplace accidents and to share resources and information on accident prevention, risk management and workers’ compensation in Ohio, the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Division of Safety & Hygiene and the Preble County Chamber of Commerce co-sponsor this safety council program.

Come learn how to increase safety in the workplace!

Learn More


Learn how to improve safety in the workplace. Join the Preble County Safety Council!

The Preble County Safety Council meets at the City of Eaton Youth Center at 306 Seven Mile Drive in Eaton on the third Wednesday of each month, from 12noon -1 pm (unless otherwise noted in the schedule below).

To join, simply complete and submit  application  (Click Here to download).

You can save $$$!   Your business can get a 3% Ohio Workers Compensation Premium discount and win big — $25.00 and up to $100.00) gift cards — for Safety Council Members that attend meetings each month.

2024 PCSC Meeting Information

Articles of Interest

Group-Rating Safety Accountability

Dear Employer:

Each year Ohio employers have the opportunity to participate in BWC’s Group-Experience-Rating Program or Group-Retrospective-Rating Program. While these programs are not required, they do provide you with an opportunity to significantly reduce your workers’ compensation premiums, while increasing your awareness of safety and risk-management strategies.

Workplace safety is an important component of these programs. To succeed in accident prevention, we encourage you to use the many resources available to you. We believe a group-rating program is a partnership that includes you and your employees, your sponsoring organization or third-party administrator (TPA) and BWC. Each has specific roles and responsibilities, all designed to assist in preventing workplace accidents. This letter outlines the safety services expectations you should have as an employer enrolled in a group-rating program.

The employer will:

  • Maintain a safe workplace;
  • Attend safety training to enhance workplace safety;
  • Use BWC’s safety services as needed;
  • Fulfill the required two-hour training requirement and provide proof of attendance to sponsor for claim(s)

    occurring within the last year.

The certified primary and affiliated sponsoring organizations will:

  • Sponsor eight hours of safety training (this may be done at one time or may be provided incrementally as long as the total is at least eight hours);
  • Provide information regarding safety resources to group members;
  • Possibly assist an employer in achieving its safety needs;
  • Manage employer fulfillment of the two-hour training requirement, where applicable;
  • Publish this letter to group members.

The TPA may:

  • Assist sponsoring organizations with fulfilling the group-rating safety requirements;
  • Assist an employer with its safety needs;
  • Work in conjunction with sponsors to develop safety training and deliver safety resources;
  • Provide resources for claims handling.

BWC will:

  • Monitor all group-rating safety activities to confirm requirements are met;
  • Remain in communication with sponsoring organizations to provide recommendations for fulfilling safety requirements;
  • Provide safety training through Ohio’s Center for Occupational Safety & Health;
  • Offer on-site safety consultation (hazard assessments, air and noise monitoring, ergonomics evaluation, training) by a BWC safety professional;
  • Offer publications and videos for safety program support;
  • Conduct employer visits to confirm the employer is meeting group-rating requirements, when appropriate.

The goal of this collaborative effort is to make sure all your safety needs are met. Using these resources will assist you in preventing accidents, reducing claims costs and achieving the highest discounts possible. Below you’ll find contact information for various resources.

Group sponsor:

TPA: CareWorksComp

BWC:[email protected]

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